World Bank Announces New Program to Provide Jobs for Kenyans
The World Bank has announced the launch of the second Kenya Devolution Support Programme (KDSP II), which will involve the recruitment of a large number of Kenyans.
The project intends to expand on the first phase, which concluded in 2021. It will address challenges facing Kenya’s devolution, such as weak payroll management controls, bills (including pension contributions) that are not paid on time, and a large stock of pending bills, which affects the supply of goods and services to counties.
It will also address the widespread usage of manual payrolls and out-of-date HR information to guide HRM decisions, among other issues.
“The Program development objective is to strengthen county performance in the financing, management, coordination, and accountability for resources. The program is a hybrid with both Program for Results (PforR) and Investment Program Financing (IPF),” reads part of the report.
According to the worldwide company’s manpower Management Procedures (LMP), the required manpower will comprise both direct and contractual personnel.
Civil officials and the National Program Coordination Unit will be among those directly involved.
Direct workers are Kenya-contracted individuals who have a direct employment connection with the project worker and special control over the job, working environment, and treatment.
Meanwhile, contracted workers are those who are hired and engaged by a third party to conduct work or provide services linked to the project’s primary activities, with the third party controlling the job, working conditions, and treatment of the project worker.
However, the World Bank did not specify the number of personnel required for this project. Some of the positions mentioned include program coordinator, occupational health and safety expert (OSH), grievance resolution specialist, environmental specialist, and social specialist.
According to the the report, the staff would be divided into three categories: skilled labor (administrators), semi-skilled labour (drivers, security), and basic labour (vehicle breakdown servicemen, translators). The locals will fill these posts.
“SDD will ensure Kenyan consultancies firms shall be given priority. International consultancy companies will be contracted only where skills are not available among Kenyan national consultancies firms,” read part of the report.
However, the World Bank highlighted that no minors would be hired, and that all applicants must produce birth certificates and national identity cards.
All salary and allowances shall be paid in accordance with the Employment Act. Furthermore, all workers will be subject to deductions as mandated by the Act.
Although the processes have been released, the recruiting timeframe has yet to be announced.
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World Bank Announces New Program to Provide Jobs for Kenyans